42 Fun Things to Do When Pregnant (Ideas for Moms)
A mighty list of all the fun things to do when pregnant! Ideas for every stage of pregnancy, you’re sure to find something you love.

Becoming a pregnant mom can be one of the best moments EVER. It’s also really, really tough at times.
Between the morning sickness, the exhaustion that zaps every bit of energy away, and the list of things that you can’t do that feels like it’s a mile long…
It can make you a bit frustrated and seem like there aren’t any fun things to do when pregnant.
I’m happy to tell you that’s pretty far from the truth! There are plenty of activities that are a great way to enjoy your pregnancy. (Ya know, while being safe and protecting what little amount of energy you still have.)
I’m including a variety of types of activities. Everything from simple daily activities to creative things you might not have thought about. No matter your interest, you’re sure to find things on this list to enjoy!
As we go through the list of fun activities, consider how you can pair them with spending quality time with your loved ones. Call up your family members or even your best friend. Pregnancy can be so enjoyable with those you love there to share it with.
Now, let’s get to the list you came here for!
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Fun Things to Do During the First Trimester
The first trimester is when the excitement is the highest and you’re all in your feels.
This is also the time when your energy is absolutely ZAPPED. You’ll want to focus on relaxing activities you can enjoy.
It’s a great time to start focusing on building that connection with your new baby!

Get a Prenatal Massage
Consider reaching out to a massage therapist who specializes in prenatal massages so you can target those pregnancy aches. It’s a great way to take care of your body as it continues to change over the next few months.
Before your appointment, here’s a few things to consider:
Make sure to get the green light from your healthcare provider as there are potential risks at this point in the pregnancy
Certain pressure points can induce labor so make sure you choose a therapist who has experience giving a prenatal massage
Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated to help flush things out of your system
Make sure to listen to your body and communicate your needs. If something doesn’t feel right, speak up!
Read Baby Books
Gather a list of books to read covering topics such as newborn care, parenting, and more. It’s a great time to start learning about what’s ahead. This is a great activity to bond with your unborn baby and think about your new journey to motherhood.
Some options to consider include:
No-Drama Discipline by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
Whole-Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by La Leche League International
Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp
The Baby Book by William Sears & Martha Sears
Brain Rules for Baby by John Medina
Parenting from the Inside Out by Daniel J. Siegel and Mary Hartzell
Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin
The Conscious Parent by Dr. Shefali Tsabary
It Didn’t Start with You by Mark Wolynn
Mothering the New Mother by Sally Placksin
Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child by John Gottman
The Body Keeps Score by Bessel van der Kolk
Recovering from Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson
Attend a Prenatal Yoga Class
Find classes in your area that are made with pregnant women in mind. It’s an excellent way to get some exercise, even when energy is low.
If it’s not a class specifically for pregnancy, be sure to communicate that to your instructor. Be mindful of your body too and don’t push yourself beyond what feels comfortable.
Prenatal yoga classes are a great way to stretch your body without taking too much energy. It’s also a great way to get out of the house and connect with other pregnant mamas!
Start a Pregnancy Journal
Try starting a pregnancy scrapbook or journal to document everything. It’s such a great idea to preserve everything about your first pregnancy.
Include things like:
Bump photos
Ultrasound images
Appointment notes
Random thoughts during pregnancy
Stages of development you reach
This can make such a precious keepsake to look back on!
Plan a Movie Night at Home
I love a good movie night but being exhausted and pregnant is a great reason to turn your living room into a movie theater. Choose your favorite movies, pop some popcorn, grab your favorite treat, and relax. You can even lay out some comfortable pillows just because.
You can even uplevel the experience by putting together a movie night charcuterie board full of your favorite snacks. A movie night will likely be one of the things to do that gets put on repeat haha!
Invite one of your friends or just your partner. It’s a great way to spend quality time with others for a night without exhausting yourself.
Visit Local Art Galleries or Make Your Own Art
I absolutely LOVEEEE art galleries. If you have one local to you, you can try visiting an art gallery. It doesn’t take too much energy and is an enjoyable calm activity.
But if even that feels like too much for you, you can attend one virtually or make your own art inspired by artworks you can find online.
Order some paint and canvases from Amazon and then enjoy creating art! You can even try to make something nice to hang in the nursery.
There are so many fun things to do that involve getting creative.
Take a Walk Outside
Walking outside might sound a bit boring to be included, but I couldn’t not mention it. It’s a great way to get exercise and fresh air without using a whole lot of energy.
You can listen to your favorite music or just appreciate the nature around you. Explore a new area, start a nature journal, or just enjoy the sunshine.
You could even bring your art and canvases to find something beautiful to paint.
Start Planning the Nursery
Planning the nursery is SUUUUPER fun!! Start a Pinterest board to get the inspiration rolling. Decide what colors you want, themes you like, types of furniture you need to get, and more.
If you plan to keep the baby with you for a while, you can also plan how to set up their area of your room. You don’t need to have a full nursery to do this!
I live in a tiny apartment so an entire nursery has never been an option, but I still like to plan what I’ll do when the time comes.
Fun Things to Do During the Second Trimester
When the second trimester hits, you’re going to feel a big energy spike. It’s a great time to start prepping for baby and amping up activities you do on a daily basis.
Getting out there and enjoying life during the second trimester is a great way to take advantage of all the energy. It won’t last forever so utilize it while you can!

Start Planning Your Baby Shower
It might still seem like it’s too early to start thinking of the baby shower, but it’s a great time to start! If your friends and family live far away, you can also consider a virtual baby shower.
A few things you might want to start thinking about:
The theme of your party
Games to play
The food you plan to serve
Guests you want to invite
Decorations you want to have
Location of your shower
There are lots of fun things to do that revolve around your upcoming baby shower!
Go Shopping for Maternity Clothes
Take your best friend along to go shopping for maternity wear!! Your growing bump needs to feel cute, so it’s a great time to find clothes that fit your pregnancy belly.
There’s nothing worse than having clothes that just make you feel awful. Find something cute and make a day out of it!
You could grab some lunch, stop for a coffee, get your nails done, and have a girl’s day for the event. Don’t hesitate to get some cute baby clothes that you like too!
Find New Meals to Cook and Eat
Just because you have dietary needs to stay on top of, doesn’t mean it needs to be boring. You can experiment with new things and prep them in advance.
Start a Pinterest board to try out new recipes to give yourself lots of healthy options. Choose things that you’ve never tried before, explore new cooking methods, and more.
You may also consider taking a cooking class if you have the energy for it!
Cooking or even baking really can be a wonderful way to enjoy pregnancy.
Enroll in Prenatal Classes
While yoga is a great idea, it’s not the only option! Other prenatal classes to consider include childbirth, breastfeeding, and newborn care. It’s a great way to learn all you can and a good time to get answers to your questions.
Entering motherhood can be VERY overwhelming! The best thing you can do is educate yourself and get a community of people around you to reach out to. Encourage your partner to tag along as well so you’re BOTH empowered with information.
While attending in person classes is great, don’t forget to check out online courses too. There are lots of options out there for you to consider!
Start Creating a Birth Plan
The scary truth is that birth is going to be incredibly unpredictable. Anything can happen.
But it’s still a good idea to make a plan of what you’d ideally like it to look like with your healthcare provider. Discuss a birth plan to make sure they understand your preferences.
Discuss things like:
Pain relief you want to use (if any)
Birthing positions you want
Lighting, music, meditations, etc you want in the room
Who you want in the room (and who to keep out)
Request for delayed cord clamping
Whether you’ll have access to labor in a tub
Various preferences (vaccines, eye ointment, bath, etc)
This is honestly a big topic all on its own. Take your time and just start to visualize what you’d like to happen if all went according to plan. If you have an awesome birth team, they’ll be more than happy to make sure all your preferences are met.
Plan a Game Night
I’m a HUGE board/card game junkie so I’ll do this regardless LOL. Invite over friends, set out some snacks, grab your favorite games, and have a nice evening.
These are perfect for low-energy days too since the prep is very minimal.
Some to consider include:
Plan a Date Night
Seriously — I cannot recommend getting a date night or two enough!! It’s going to be super hard once the new baby arrives and sometimes pregnant couples skip right over this.
Here are some date nights to consider:
Cook a NEW dinner recipe together
Take a cooking class to learn a new technique
Try a new niche restaurant
Play board games together
Plan a babymoon
Go to an arcade
Go to the Zoo or Aquarium
Have a backyard picnic
Watch movies outside on a projector
Find a niche museum to visit
Do a craft project together
Take some dance classes
Attend a local theater
Go Swimming
Swimming is so relaxing and enjoyable — especially when you’re pregnant! It’s a great way to get exercise in and is a perfect activity for pregnant moms.
You can just attend an open swim at your local pool or you can take a water aerobics class. Just make sure to avoid the hot tub!
Fun Things to Do During the Third Trimester
Ahhh, the third trimester. You’re in the home stretch now! You’ll be getting really antsy to meet your new bundle of joy at this point. This is a great time for activities that help you bond and prepare for their arrival.
Energy is likely to start to dip a little as you are likely feeling more aches and pains. There is still lots of fun things to do when pregnant though! It’s good to keep busy during the last trimester.
I’ll admit… most of these are baby things. But when you’re pregnant and excited for them to come? That definitely counts as fun things!!

Choose Baby Names
I usually already have a name picked out by the time my FIRST trimester is over. But if you don’t have one yet, this is a great time.
You can consider traditions, meanings of names, etc. You can also just scroll through lists online and see what sticks out at you.
Choosing a name is such a fun activity when you’re pregnant!
Book a Maternity Photoshoot
If you have the means to do so, plan a photoshoot to document your pregnancy! Unfortunately, I’ve never got to do a maternity shoot but I’ve always wanted to. It’s such a great way to remember your pregnancy.
Research local photographers and consider:
The style displayed in their portfolio
Experience with maternity photoshoots
The average price in comparison to your budget
Additionally, you can also consider a professional photographer to document your birth experience. I’ve seen some beautiful photos showing the birth story. It’s such a fun thing to consider!
Write Handwritten Notes
If you’re sentimental, you can consider writing handwritten notes. You can put these in a scrapbook or time capsule to open later.
You can write about how excited you are to meet them, your hopes for the future, and whatever you feel called to share.
Create a Baby Registry
At this point, you’ll likely be nearing the date of your baby shower. It’s a great time to make your registry and pick out all the baby items you’ll need!
My best advice is to focus on the first few months. High chairs, for example, aren’t something to worry about just yet.
The essentials are going to include things like:
Clothes in NB & 0-3M sizes
Diapers and wipes
Bathtub, body wash, and lotion
Swaddles and sleep sacks
There are definitely other things you can add that are nice to have, but this is a good starting point.
Pack the Hospital Bag
As you approach your due date, make sure you pack a hospital bag with everything you need for when you go into labor. Your healthcare provider should have a list if you need one.
From experience, trust me when I say it’s a good idea to have this done ahead of time.
I always put this off and then I’m rushing around trying to gather things while experiencing contractions. I do not recommend this method, haha!
You honestly don’t need much though. You’re giving birth, not taking a vacation. Also, remember you can always have your partner or loved ones bring anything you forget.
The most essential things for the big day will include:
High energy snacks
Phone chargers
Toiletries like a toothbrush, shampoo for showering, etc
Your favorite water bottle
Your favorite pillow and blanket
Take home outfit for baby
Any medications you take
RELATED: Stress-Free Hospital Bag Checklist for First Time Moms
Start Baby’s Library
Call me a literacy nerd but I LOVEEEE picking out kids books. Collecting books for your baby is a special time. Everything from nursery rhymes, educational stories, touch and feel books, and so much more will be perfect.
You can also plan a book baby shower where you ask guests to bring their favorite children’s book. It’s such a great way to build a library of books and start off on the right foot.
My personal favorites include:
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney
The Pout-Pout Fish by Deborah Diesen
Llama Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney
Where is Baby’s Belly Button? by Karen Katz
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr.
Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown
I Loved You Before You Were Born by Anne Bowen
There are sooooo many more I love, but I cannot possibly list them all!!
RELATED: Best Board Books for Baby’s First Year
Plan a Trip with Your Partner
If you’re able to, plan a short trip with your partner during! It’s a fun way to get a change of scenery and relax for a bit before the baby comes.
Some people will refer to this as a babymoon.
Ideas for a trip might include:
Beach getaway
Visit a national park
Take a road trip together
Weekend or day trip to a nearby city
Go on a camping trip
It really depends on what you enjoy, but taking a trip is a fun way to connect before baby gets here. If you already have kids, don’t be afraid to take them too! It’s a great time to connect before your little one arrives.
Make DIY Decor for the Nursery
If you’re creative, consider making your own DIY decor items for the baby’s room. It’s such a creative and fun way to to add a personal touch. You can even plan a group activity with your loved ones.
Some ideas might include:
Handpainted accent wall
Name signs made by you
Custom made curtains
Art to hang on the wall
Baby mobile
Check Pinterest for inspiration if you like the idea! There are so many great ways to decorate your baby’s nursery with DIY projects.
Fun Things to Do During All Trimesters of Pregnancy
During your entire pregnancy, there’s going to be lots of activities you can do regardless of the size of your baby bump.
I’m going to include fun activities to engage in as well as things you should be doing in order to keep yourself healthy. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily bustle so reminders can be good.
My pregnancy routine had me just sitting around a lot and I really don’t recommend getting caught up in that habit too much. It can make birth so much harder.
Try your best to find fun things to do when pregnant each week.

Stretch Your Body
Daily stretching can help reduce discomfort and improve circulation. It’s such a good way to stay on top of physical health during pregnancy.
Starting a daily yoga habit can both be exciting to learn and have lots of long term positive effects for your health! It can really help with pregnancy aches too so you don’t feel so achy.
I highly suggest checking out Yoga with Adriene and ordering a yoga mat!
Listen to Podcasts
I LOVE a good podcast! I honestly wish they were a thing when I had my oldest. You can listen to funny podcasts, pregnancy and parenting, and anything in between.
I want to emphasize those that will have a positive influence on your pregnancy journey though. Stay away from any negative horror stories.
My favorite podcasts for moms include:
Respectful Parenting: Janet Lansbury Unruffled
Good Inside
Raising Good Humans
The Purpose Show
Momwell Podcast
Systemize Your Life
I also follow others in the personal growth, blogging, business, etc niches. There are so many great ones out there!
Start a Garden
I live in an apartment so I can’t start a garden. But man when I tell you I REALLY want to!! If you have the ability, it could be a fun time! I grew up with my grandpa who loved to garden so I’m definitely envious of those who have space to do it.
Consider planting beginner-friendly things like:
Fresh herbs
Beautiful flowers
Just make sure you’re being safe and avoid any heavy lifting!
Learn to Knit Baby Clothes
Baby blankets, hats, and booties are just soooo cute! You could try learning how to knit or crochet. Just make sure to be careful in the types of yarn you choose.
It can be such a relaxing activity to learn. I used to do some basic projects as a kid and I’ve definitely considered picking it up again.
Try Making Bead Patterns
Bead patterns are so much fun!! I spent so many hours doing this with pony beads as a kid (you can also use perler beads). I had entire collections of beads in different colors, textures, etc.
You can make bracelets, cuffs, belts, bags, keychains, and more. It’s incredibly relaxing and enjoyable.
Plan Family Activities
Taking trips with your new baby will be so much fun. Outdoor activities don’t stop once you have a baby! I’ve even gone camping with a fresh baby and highly recommend it.
Start creating a bucket list of things to do with a newborn such as:
Going to the beach
Trip to the farmer’s market
Go Camping
Take a Hike
Visit to an art gallery
Trip to the zoo, aquarium, or farm
Enjoy a picnic
There really are so many fun things you can do! It’s fun to imagine all the fun things you can do together.
Watch Documentaries on Parenting
Documentaries are so interesting because of the insights they can provide. I also just really love brain science and learning about child development. It’s so fascinating!!
I highly suggest checking out parenting ones on various aspects of child development. Understanding how the brain works will make life much easier once the baby comes.
Here are some options to consider:
The Beginning of Life
Breastmilk the Movie
This is Birth
The Business of Being Born
More Business of Being Born
Dark Side of the Full Moon
Safe and Sound
Becoming You
Brain Matters
Research Parenting Choices
Sure, it’s fun to research all the fun choices you’ll make as a parent! But I also cannot emphasize enough how important it is.
Research everything. Know why you’re doing it. Don’t blindly listen to those around you. Understand the effects of different choices.
Discuss it with your partner, too. Make sure both you and your partner are on the same page!
Learning New Languages or Skills
I’ve already included a few skills to try but I want to drive that point home here. Consider learning new languages, learning a musical instrument if that sounds fun, or even try out crafting.
I LOVE learning new things. I’m a course junkie because I enjoy learning so much. I highly suggest you do as well!
Start a Side Hustle
If you want to stay home with your baby, starting a side hustle can be a fun activity while you’re pregnant! It really depends on your skills and what you enjoy but in today’s digital world, there are lots of options!
Here are some things to consider:
Virtual assistance
Etsy shop
Web designer/developer
Freelance writing
Graphic design
I personally love blogging and being a virtual assistant/writer but pick whatever sounds fun to you! You can even try taking online courses to get the skills to work from home. Udemy has lots of great options.
Meditate and Relaxation Techniques
Learning to meditate and incorporating relaxation techniques is so important. It helps with preparing for labor as well as developing the coping skills you’ll need as your child gets older.
Because trust me when I tell you — toddlers will test every bit of patience. Older kids will too. You NEED strong emotion regulation skills and it starts here.
I love the insight timer for guided meditations.
Create a Playlist for Labor
If you plan to listen to music during labor, start creating a playlist to help facilitate your birth experience. Choose things that will inspire you and lift you up. Tracks that empower you will help keep you in the right headspace.
Some great options include:
“Happy” by Pharrell Williams
“Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor
“Your Love Is A Drug” by Kesha
“Try” by Pink
“Born This Way” by Lady Gaga
“I Won’t Give Up” by Jason Mraz
“Roar” by Katy Perry
“Stronger” by Kelly Clarkson
“Brave” by Sara Bareilles
“Here’s to Never Growing Up” by Avril Lavigne
“Let’s Get It Started in Here” by Black Eyed Peas
Explore Safe Exercise
Exercising to prepare for birth is really important but it doesn’t have to be boring! Consider what you’re interested in and consider trying new things.
Bike riding
Strength training
Plan Post-Partum Activities
Start thinking about all the fun things you will do AFTER baby comes to meet other new parents! Look into local storytime, mommy meetup groups, etc that you can attend.
Also consider different postpartum classes you might want to register for.
Meetup with Friends
Just because you’re pregnant, that doesn’t mean your friends need to suddenly disappear. Make sure you stay close to whatever social circle you have by planning dates with them.
Go out for coffee, get some lunch, or bring them along for other activities. You can even just invite them over to enjoy other’s company while you rest.
Read Positive Birth Stories
If you’re experiencing any fear around birth, it can help to read positive stories from others. Stay clear of any negative experiences as that will only add fuel to the fire.
There are lots of blogs online, birth groups, podcasts, and more for you to find uplifting stories to get you EXCITED for what’s to come.
Reflect on Your Pregnancy
As you go through your pregnancy, reflect on what’s happened so far. Write letters. Start a journal. Create a scrapbook.
You can even do some guided journaling to get more intentional about things you are doing or want to do.
We’ve finally reached the end, LOL! I hope this post genuinely helped you. I tried my best to offer a wide variety of ideas.
Engage in activities that keep you active and prepared for birth. It’s such a special time to be preparing for your baby. While there’s a lot you can’t do, I hope you now see how much fun this time can be!